Friday, November 16, 2007

The Last Holiday

There was something happened to change in my life and I hope it can’t be true. The last Saturday is my mother and my sister birthday. Before the day, I went to The Mall Ngam-Wong-Wan and then I went to 3rd floor. At the floor, there were a lot of presents that I can find a thing to give my mother on her birthday. While I was seeking for a present then I found closed friend who is my friend in secondary school. She helped me to find a present and then we found a red box that was a very beautiful thing. I bought it. And then I tried to find another present for my sister and I bought a pretty monkey doll for her. When I already did everything that I have to do then I went to my grand mother home at Viphawadi Road. There were my grand mother, my aunt, my uncle, and my cousin at the home. Everyone already prepared themselves to go to a restaurant at Bang-Kun-Thien, where is the only place in Bangkok that next to the sea.
I went to a restaurant that has a good view to stair at the sea. There were ships that were going to the ocean and some of them were coming to the port. Not for long time after I arrived the restaurant, my mother, my father and my sister arrived the restaurant. We ate a lot of sea food. We talked to each others with the happiness. When we all finished our meal, we gave the presents to my sister and my mother. They were very happy and we were glad to see the smile on their faces. We had an ice-cream cake that my aunt bought from Swensen’s, the black forest cake. It was very delicious.
When we came back home, that time was around 5.30 P.M., I went out to JJ or we knew in the name of “Ja-Tu-Jak holidays market.” There are many merchants that came to buy the second-hand things, dresses, bags, and others. I went there with my friends and I walked for a long time. Almost of time that I spent with my friends, it was a lot of conversations and laughing. I went home and met the traffic jams. I spent almost 2 hours to arrive home. I was sick of the traffic of Bangkok.
The same day, late night, I read a book that is a story of Dragon and the Dragoon. It is 2nd part of Eragon, it’s called Eldest. This book can make me forget other things that can make me nervous, such as thinking of ex-girlfriend or worried about grade of the 1st semester. I read it until my eyes can’t focus on the letters in the book then I fell into the dream. I dreamed of my ex- girlfriend that I and she were going to crash by a car, but I push her away from the sidewalk and I died. It was a bad dream. I tried to sleep again. When I woke up late in the next day, I called her and told her what I had dreamed of and she said “thank you” to me. That moment it was a greatest moment that I’ve been waiting for. She was very kind to me, even tough we already separated.
Those were the many things that happened to me in the last holiday. I just only hope that my dream will never come true.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Money Sucker

Today, I woke up in the early morning. And then I looked for my pocket and then I found that there was no money in my pocket. I realized and thought back of yesterday and then I found the reason that why I lost my money.Yesterday, I went to Ta-Wan-Na, it’s a market and plaza at Bang-Ka-Pi. There are many things they sold. That I can tell this place is very interesting. I went there with my brother, my sister, and my closed friend from other university. But before we went to Ta-Wan-Na, we met each others at The Mall Bang-Ka-Pi and when every ones came then we went to The Pizza Company, at there we ate too much. I felt fully in my stomach and the others felt the same as me. We went to a clinic that treats about the face problems; acne, dark spots on face because my sister has a problem with acne. After that we went to Ta-Wan-Na so we bought a lot of things that we like. For me, I bought a jacket that was a Korean style, it cost for 490 baths. I thought it too expensive, but I bought because I really like it. And another thing was a second hand bag that from Japan, it cost for 350 baths. And after we hang around for several hours, it might be five hours, we went to a restaurant, a buffet restaurant. We ate like we didn’t have anything for long time. We felt fully again and then we all went back to home. I got in a van that was going to The Mall Ngam-Wong-Wan that is the place that I have to go every day to get in another van that can approach my house. So when I was in the van, the first, I fell asleep and I met the big traffic jam, at that time was 9.30 P.M. I was so tried and all the way back to The Mall, I slept. When I arrived to The Mall Ngam-Wong-Wan, I walked as a zombie because I was just woken up by the van driver. So when I arrived home at the late night, every one in my family slept.I then found why I lost my money, the reason is I already spent it for my things, huhh too bad.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Broken dream, a new Life

Have u ever asked your own what is the true love? I have asked for it for long time, but I can’t give the meaning of this word or this feeling. I have tried so many times to find what the love is? Anyway, I just lost my love recently.
The story that I’m going to explain, it was happened on the last Wednesday and this hurt feeling is still affecting to me. During this time, I’m so tried and sick of every things. I always think what I should do, what can I do, or how can I bring my love back to my life. But the answer will always be the word “Never.”
I had a boyfriend called “Aek.” We were together for a good moment. We had ever gone to many places to travel. Aek was the one I care too much and he also was special person that affected to me. Sometimes, I think that he would be the last of my life, but it couldn’t. Our relationships were great before we broke them. After we broke our relationships, at the first moment, I couldn’t bear anything. I was just only listless. I couldn’t eat foods. I couldn’t do well in class as I ever did. I and Aek had ever dreamed of many beautiful things that we would make together. But now, there is no dream anymore. I couldn’t hold him to stay with me. I and Aek didn’t have too much time to spend together because we were so far from each others. I live in Nonthaburi, but Aek live in Nakornsawan. That might be a reason that separated me from him. Even tough, we can’t be as ever we were, but I will look after him when he wants some help or he has a problem.
Nowadays, I think that I can find the way to cure my heart of this weakness. Because I didn’t have only him, but I still have my parents that they will stand by my side. They always help me when I have no one that could help me. As like as this day, my mother walked up stairs and then she saw me cried. I rally didn’t want to let her know how sad of me. Because I will make worried, but when she saw me, she came to sit besides me and asked me what make me cry? And I told her every thing. She embraced me and then she gave me a sentence that could make me better. Then I know how much she loves me.
And the thing that I can cure my weak heart is to love myself as much as I can do. And I promise I will not do the wrong thing that I have done so I will change myself. I will try hard to study to make my parents to proud of me. And that is the most things that want to do now.
From this happening, I can tell that nobody can love you as much as your parents do. So that I mean “don’t hurt them anymore.”