Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I woke up in the early morning on 4th December, 2007. This day was an ordinary Tuesday. I had an English II class on 9.30, and this English class stimulated me to prepare, I mean to read articles, before the class time. I can say that it seemed the Socratic Method that Americans law student do. When the English class ended, I went to Kai-Aob that is next to the ABAC McDonald’s. At there, I met Bowling who is my friend in the intensive course of ABAC, she was going to her class then we made an appointment in that evening.
The story began when the Psychology Class was finished. I was called by Joy to go to interview for the Malaysia conference trip, this is a trip of ALSA, or called Asian Law Student Association. At that moment, I was excited that why did they call me. I talked to myself that this will be a big chance for me. Therefore, I decided to go to interview. So I went to the Duck Pond, where ABAC’s students know as well. The interviewers were there already when I was there. They asked me to introduce myself, my old school, and then they asked about my activities that I have done when I was a high school student. So when I finished my introducing, an interviewer asked me with a law question. The question was about “if I’m a law maker, what can I do to solve problems about the fresh market and supermarket, like a supermarket in Lotus Express, etc.” During the time that I was thinking, I saw their faces and saw them smiled. I tried hard to think and find out what the answer can be. I didn’t spent a lot of time when I already organized my answer and told them that “if I’m a law maker, I would increase the quality of fresh market as much as possible because the fresh market is too dirty, nobody likes to go to dirty place. Further more, I would intervene in the matter of prizes of things that they sold because the supermarkets sell things by the lower prizes. That can effect to people in area to decide that where they should go. And then I would give benefits to people who comes to the fresh market and buys thing from there. For example, the benefit may be a coupon that can exchange with the excited thing, like a give voucher, a beautiful umbrella, or a fan. And the last, I would solve problem that always happen in the fresh market. The problem is cheating the scale.” After that they brought a new question that asked me about the new constitution law. When I finished my answer, they told me that they will call me if I have a chance to go to Malaysia with them.
After I left them, I thought that my answers were not good enough. I was so worried, but Joy tried to encourage me. When time passed 6 P.M., I went to BKK grill that was founded on the McDonald’s side of ABAC. Bowling was there already. While we were talking, then my cell phone rang. The unknown number was calling me and I was so excited with the feeling. I accepted the ringing. Then I already knew immediately that the interviewer called me and told me that I passed the interview as well. I was so happy. And now my greatest chance has come and I will do my best with the conference at Malaysia.

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