Sunday, December 9, 2007

Goes around, comes around

This was a boring Friday. I came to Assumption University at 12.00 o’clock for psychology class. There was a lot of information that I have to read for the midterm examination, also for a quiz before midterm. The teacher taught in the chapter of depth perception. The chapter was made me feel asleep cause of the information that a lot. After the class, I went down stairs from room P51 to the book store of Assumption University. At there, I met my teacher that taught me when I was studying intensive course at Assumption University during the summer of our senior. His name is Brad. He was a really kind teacher I’ve ever met. At that moment, I was not sure that he can remember me, or not. So I tried to look at his face then he looked at me and began to make a conversation with me. I felt so glad that he still remembered me. We talked to each others and then he got to go.
Since he left me at the book store, I went to the faculty table and sat at the second table. There were my law senior. They were trying to do their homework, so I knew that I didn’t need to disturb them. Time pass too fast, I was starring at my watch to see what time is it, while I was looking for my friend that appointed me to go to a cinema with him, my cell phone was ringing. Suddenly, I felt wondering why this person called to me. The person was my ex-girlfriend. I accepted her calling then she began to ask me that she was coming to Bangkok today, besides she had no one to be with until 11.00 P.M. because she had to wait for her sister. She asked me to go to see her at victory monument at 8.30 P.M. I felt terribly when I heard that news, but I thought that if I don’t go to see her, what will happen with her. Then I said okay to go with her.
When I saw her, I asked her that why do you come to Bangkok because her hometown is Nakornsawan. She told me that there were two modeling asked her to come to make a profile photo, besides to make a good chance to her to be a model in the future. I congratulated with her, but I warned her to be careful because there is no one can trust in this kind of work. She came alone and I didn’t want to let her go to see the moldings by herself. Then I suggested to going with her and she accepted.
All of the holidays time, I went along with her. Those moments was a big great time that I have waiting for. She acted like we were a love couple that made me thought of the passed moment that we spent together, but we were not the same position, I already knew.
On Sunday, at 5.30 P.M., I was at victory monument with her and prepared for her back to send her back home. We walked to a van that would be going to Nakornsawan. When we had arrived to the van, she stood and turned back to me. She smiled to me and then she told me that if she can apply to a university in Bangkok, then we should try out around Bangkok together. I was dreamed for a while, after that she got on a van and the van left.
I thought that the things that I have done would be the best things that I can do for her, the one that I can’t forget no matter what I try.
Right now, I’m making up my mind. I need time. And I usually think that at least, we can be friend that can take care to each others without loved feeling.

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