Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wildlife and Me!!

Through the ALSIC, I have got many memorable things I never had. As the result that I was in the table discussion, in the commission of wildlife trafficking. I did learn a lot from the table. That changed my mind to eat the wildlife as a dinner in Chinese restaurant. Some beliefs will decrease the populations of animals. I have known that there are the same problems in Asian countries. The eating behaviors are almost the same because they are from the same root. From the researches I found, I know that the disaster of animals is HUMAN. Even though human knows that which kinds of wildlife are protected, they also do destroy the wildlife. They bring the demand to the hunters that are usually found in the poor counties like Cambodian and Burma. There are forests in the two countries and that is why there are a lot of hunters. Some of the animals’ part cannot be the treatment as the beliefs. After the table discussion, I and my commission friends wrote the way out of these problems that is the way to protect wildlife. For example, if we cannot stop the demand and hunting because they want the materials of those animals, so we should sell it legally in name of an organization that is allowed by UN law that could be great if we can increase the numeral of rare and endanger animals, and the hunters and demanders then don’t have to hunt the wildlife because they are sold here at the organization. And another was the way to distribute the information in the form of cartoons to make conscience in childhood, and real bad deed that they do to the animals. And the last was the way that to cooperate with other countries to arrest the illegal activities.
Therefore, I think if I have chance to work on organization that relates with wildlife. I will do. The examination is coming closer, but I didn’t start reading books yet. That is going to be a very big problem for me to catch up in every chapter. This semester I have seven objects. The three objects are all in BG courses, and others four are all in the law courses. This semester I have Contract class, Criminal Law 1, Land and Property, and the last of law class is Philosophy of Law. I dislike only class of Philosophy of Law because I think it is just a dreaming no matter what it says it shows on only the opinions of the forebear professors. The Philosophy of Law is a very boring class. Anyway, exam gets closer. If I just still don’t read books like this, I will fail in every course. Yeah!! Humble to myself “Fighto!!”

Saturday, February 9, 2008

AlSA Camp at Koraj

Hey!! How you ever been to Koraj, or we called Nakornrachasrima where is the province that we called the gate to the north east of Thailand. This city is very big. There are many people as much as Bangkok, not equally the same, but almost be the amount. This city is a historical city also, in the past there were many mighty armies of neighbor countries around Thailand. They came to make wars occasionally. And this city is the shield of the capital of Thailand in the past.
In this journal, I’m going to talk about the camp I went to study for the processes and sessions of ALSA Assumption University and Committees’ duties. That was an early Friday morning I was at the university. My seniors appointed us to meet them at 8.30 a.m. because a bus that was going to bring to the camp would leave the university at 9.00 a.m. Therefore, there was no waiting for the late person. When I was at faculty’s table already, I met my lovely senior. Her name is Tarn. She is a Thai delegate that went to the conference in Malaysia with me. It is really hard to meet her in the university because she is in the third year and she’s done almost of all the courses. Exactly, I mean she is going to graduate soon. So I saw almost of all the members that would go camping with me at there. Time was passed so fast, after I left the university, the bus spent almost 4 hours on the way. Finally, we were in the camp.
The camp was in an area of uptown. There was not so abundant. But the whole view was all right. In the camp, there was a balcony that we could look at the mountains and houses as far distance, so I was impressed.
The first activity was to make a group of 6-7, and there were three groups. Every group had to make their own project. I thought that was my lucky that I was in the same group of my two lovely friends, Pang and Joy. Time flied too fast, I can’t recognize how long I spent in thinking the project, but it’s more than three hours and half for sure. And at night, there were five commentators. One of them was my professor and the others four were my seniors who were committees. All the time in the camp was going by making the project. We, in each groups, had to work on processes of committee’s duties, to assume that we are the committee. In every step of working would be proven by the seniors who supposed themselves to be the committees of the student affair of Assumption University who have right to grant these projects. This camp was so perfectly in the kind of making relationship between seniors and freshmen. And also was perfectly in teaching the technique to work on these processes. All the two nights and three days of this camp made me knew many things. I love the camp.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Story Goes - Part II

The third day, there was the last table discussion to elect somebody in this commission to be the representative of our commission, and the one who was elected would have a big chance to give a speech in the open ceremony in the fifth day. The one was the Malaysian guy, named Eric, he is a really good guy, and he is my closed friend in this ALSIC. This time there was a guest speaker who is the regional director of traffic Southeast Asia, World Wildlife Foundation (WWF). Her name is Miss Azrina Abdullah. She was so nice in her presentation. I was realized by it about the bad human being and bad behaviors of us to wildlife.
During this day, there were only academic activities. The first was the workshop that was the topic “Understanding the Value of Alternative Dispute Resolution”. The Guest of Honour Y.B Dato’ Tang See Hang, Selangor State Executive councilor gave us speech of opening the workshop. And after the lunch, there was a symposium in the topic “War, Peace and the Future of Asia.” This was an academic activity also. In this activity, it was separated in three sessions; A Victim’s Cries for Justice, War Crimes: An Overview, and the last was Mass Media War Propaganda & Weapons of Mass Destruction. And the last was the third table discussion that was explained previously.
The forth day was really interested because there were moot competitions all the day. And there were two mooters of Assumption University, named Tarn, seniors and another was Joy, freshmen. They won the mooters from Japan in the third round. And the final round was the time of Singaporean mooters, they were really ideal. Because they spoke without paper, they used only their brains. Furthermore, they were always talking about the law all times during the ALSIC. They were respective guys. When the dinner time was coming, I went to the hotel’s ballroom. There was an Asian Bar Council Dinner. We took a lot of pictures in the hotel. All delegates wore the formal suit.
The fifth day was another interested day because this day, they would bring delegates to places that were very beautiful. I took many pictures from there. The first place was National Monument that was built to pay tribute to the valiant soldiers who gave their lives defending the country during the communist insurgency in the 1950s. The second was a Chinese temple, named Thean Hou Temple. We visited there before the lunch at Petaling JaYa. It was a restaurant was supported by Y.B. Tuan Loh Seng Kok, Member of Parliament Malaysia. Then they brought us to the National Sports Complex to play in the Paintball Challenge. I spent the whole afternoon time with this challenge, and then they brought us to an Indian restaurant for dinner. And the last for this day was a twin towers trip. It was very beautiful when the lights were spotted to it.
The sixth day, there was a trip to go to a court named Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya. They taught us about the process of the Malaysia law schedule. After that I went to the University Kabangsaan Malaysia. In the hall of the University, there were an open ceremony and presentation of commission report. There were two Thai delegates that presented the conclusion of their table discussion. But there was bad thing happened in this day, more half of all delegates get diarrhea that might be affected by the Indian food in the last dinner. Later many delegates had taken the treatment, medicine, they were okay and better looked so tired. Next, I went back to the hotel and packed my bags for Malaka trip tomorrow. At night, there was Cultural Night that every delegate had to wear their cultural dresses in the party. This party was simply but PERFECT!
The seventh day, the whole day was in Malaka. I went to Stadhuys, the Christ Churh, St Paul Hill, and Malacca Sultanate Palace. We took pictures there, bought souvenirs, tried to hide from the sun-light, etc. In the evening, the hostages brought all delegates to a seafood restaurant in the Malaka. The dinner was the best meal since I had been there. When we finished our dinner, the hostages brought us to a department store. That was a sign I could have the first time to go shopping. And later we were in coaches, the coaches left for the hotel in Malaka, named Emperor Hotel.
The last day for this conference, the coaches left the hotel in the early morning for going to Genting, the highlands. This was an entertainment tour for delegates. The coach I was in was the first coach that arrived the Genting. There were many hotels, and also the fun park. In the right picture is the colorful hotel I stayed in the Genting. When the night came, they appointed all delegates to be in the hotel’s ballroom because there was the last party, called Farewell Night. This party, every delegate shared their own feeling and exchanged their souvenirs to each others. This was the best impressive party I had ever met. Every delegate was in the best good-looking with their dresses and suits. When the party was ended, I left the party and I found that I couldn’t sleep in the night. It was so terribly of feeling lonely when my foreign friends were leaving. There were many memories about them. This conference gave me more than words “Experiences” and “Knowledge,” but it gave me the words “Friends,” “Relationship,” “Hope,” and “Future.”-------- The End

Story Goes!!

The story when I approached the Malaysia airport in the late morning of Thursday, 10th January. There were care takers of ALSA Malaysia at the outside the airport, they were waiting for Thai delegates and also Indonesian delegates. We took photos with the care takers and then they brought us to coaches that were provided for the delegates to a hotel, named Pearl International Hotel. The coaches didn’t take long time to pick us to the hotel. When we were at the hotel, there was a group of care takers that waited for us to welcome, then they asked me and others to register for being a member of ALSIC then it was my free time until 3 P.M. As a result, they would bring us to a fun park that was provided for the welcoming party at night. That day was a rainy day, even though we approached a department store where is the establishment that we have to get on boats that will bring us to a lake then to the fun park, we couldn’t get off the coaches. Finally, we could be the place that is a port. A boat I was in was going to a boat lift that was a big wondering for me to be in the boat, later it was lifted. I and some of Assumption University delegates were in the fun park as the first group. I was impressed by a building that is an ice chamber, very cold inside. We hung around until the party began. There were nothing much than the introducing of every delegations and shows of the host. The shows might be cultural performances of Malaysia. Then the time was reaching to the really late night, the coaches came and left for hotel. We were in the hotel and get in our rooms, later that we met each others again to practice of presentation for tomorrow morning, in the first table discussion and this activity took time till the midnight.
The second day, there was the first table discussion in the commission of wildlife trafficking. There were presentations in this issue of each participated countries. As a result, I found from the first table discussion that our neighbors have got the same crisis like Thailand has got this issue. After the academic activity, table discussion, there was a non-academic activity following that was a parliament trips, they allowed all delegates to take photos inside the chamber. There were a Minister of Information, Malaysia, named Y.B. Datuk Seri Zainudin Bin Maidin who gave us speeches about the history of Malaysia, politics, and other one who gave an introduction to parliament named Y.Bhg Datuk Zamani Bin Sulaiman, Secertary of the Senate. After we left the parliament, we prepared for the next academic activity, the second table discussion that will be begun at 7.45 pm. This time would be the topic of making decision about the law to prevent, to protect, about the solving problems, and opinion about the consumers of wildlife trafficking. I and fellows gave opinions to the head of the table named Khai Ling. Then we had the conclusion of this commission that is attached in this report. Thrid day is coming up to the next article.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Hardest week to catch up Assignments

The week after I arrived home from the conference trip of ALSA in Malaysia, or we called ALSIC, it was the hard week I have to catch up in every assignment and I have to read books to prepare for the quizzes on this Tuesday.
The first day I went to the Assumption University after I had a big rest form the trip, I was tackled by tons of lesson that I have to read. And also there is an assignment from the trip to report everything I did during the nine days of the ALSIC in Malaysia. On the Monday morning, In the English II class, I admitted that I didn’t prepare before I went to class coz I spent the whole weekend I had after I got back from Malaysia with the big rest.
Actually, during the ALSIC, I didn’t have much chance to sleep more than two till three hours per day because, in the first three days, the conferences of table discussion were finished at 11.00 P.M. and began at 9.30 A.M. when the conferences finished, there were many things to do, such as we had to prepare the presentation for the next table discussion in the next morning day, to wash ourselves, etc. I can say that every delegate looked so tried, not only delegates from Thailand, but also foreign delegates. The time table was very fix, it’s fully with the activities of the academic activities and non-academic activities. I was in the commission of Wildlife Trafficking. And the last commission, the third table discussion, there was a guest speaker who is the regional director of traffic Southeast Asia, World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), her name is Miss Azrina Abdullah.
I have been trying to pass this week, also have been clearing the homework at the same time. Fighto!!!
According to the tiring from the ALSIC, and plus with the journal that was written about the way and how long that I have to spend on the road to go to Assumption University that I had posted before the mid-term examination, I can say that I can’t stay awake during the transporting time to go to my university. No matter how hard I try, I will fall in sleeping anyway. I just hope that it will be better soon because it’s not good for every one who sleeps in public cars, or public transporters. Your belonging things will be stolen if you fall in the deep sleep.
And the last story fro this week, as I know recently, I have to go camping with my seniors. The camping is about the learning how to do the processing and operating of faculty work. It is set up during on this 1st – 3rd February. And the camping is required for law students who want to work in the study trip between ALSA Thailand and ALSA Japan that will be happened in this March at Assumption University, Bang Na Campus. This trip, Japanese delegates will visit Thailand in order to get a deeper understanding of Thai culture and local system. For mine, I went to interview for being in charge of care taker on the last Tuesday. Many law students want to be the care takers the same, so I’m quite not sure that I will be chosen by the ALSA committees. Anyway, I already did my best whilst I was interviewing.
Finally, I have to go back to catch up the assignments, then do take care and start to read books, the readers. Best wishes!!!