Saturday, February 9, 2008

AlSA Camp at Koraj

Hey!! How you ever been to Koraj, or we called Nakornrachasrima where is the province that we called the gate to the north east of Thailand. This city is very big. There are many people as much as Bangkok, not equally the same, but almost be the amount. This city is a historical city also, in the past there were many mighty armies of neighbor countries around Thailand. They came to make wars occasionally. And this city is the shield of the capital of Thailand in the past.
In this journal, I’m going to talk about the camp I went to study for the processes and sessions of ALSA Assumption University and Committees’ duties. That was an early Friday morning I was at the university. My seniors appointed us to meet them at 8.30 a.m. because a bus that was going to bring to the camp would leave the university at 9.00 a.m. Therefore, there was no waiting for the late person. When I was at faculty’s table already, I met my lovely senior. Her name is Tarn. She is a Thai delegate that went to the conference in Malaysia with me. It is really hard to meet her in the university because she is in the third year and she’s done almost of all the courses. Exactly, I mean she is going to graduate soon. So I saw almost of all the members that would go camping with me at there. Time was passed so fast, after I left the university, the bus spent almost 4 hours on the way. Finally, we were in the camp.
The camp was in an area of uptown. There was not so abundant. But the whole view was all right. In the camp, there was a balcony that we could look at the mountains and houses as far distance, so I was impressed.
The first activity was to make a group of 6-7, and there were three groups. Every group had to make their own project. I thought that was my lucky that I was in the same group of my two lovely friends, Pang and Joy. Time flied too fast, I can’t recognize how long I spent in thinking the project, but it’s more than three hours and half for sure. And at night, there were five commentators. One of them was my professor and the others four were my seniors who were committees. All the time in the camp was going by making the project. We, in each groups, had to work on processes of committee’s duties, to assume that we are the committee. In every step of working would be proven by the seniors who supposed themselves to be the committees of the student affair of Assumption University who have right to grant these projects. This camp was so perfectly in the kind of making relationship between seniors and freshmen. And also was perfectly in teaching the technique to work on these processes. All the two nights and three days of this camp made me knew many things. I love the camp.

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