Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wildlife and Me!!

Through the ALSIC, I have got many memorable things I never had. As the result that I was in the table discussion, in the commission of wildlife trafficking. I did learn a lot from the table. That changed my mind to eat the wildlife as a dinner in Chinese restaurant. Some beliefs will decrease the populations of animals. I have known that there are the same problems in Asian countries. The eating behaviors are almost the same because they are from the same root. From the researches I found, I know that the disaster of animals is HUMAN. Even though human knows that which kinds of wildlife are protected, they also do destroy the wildlife. They bring the demand to the hunters that are usually found in the poor counties like Cambodian and Burma. There are forests in the two countries and that is why there are a lot of hunters. Some of the animals’ part cannot be the treatment as the beliefs. After the table discussion, I and my commission friends wrote the way out of these problems that is the way to protect wildlife. For example, if we cannot stop the demand and hunting because they want the materials of those animals, so we should sell it legally in name of an organization that is allowed by UN law that could be great if we can increase the numeral of rare and endanger animals, and the hunters and demanders then don’t have to hunt the wildlife because they are sold here at the organization. And another was the way to distribute the information in the form of cartoons to make conscience in childhood, and real bad deed that they do to the animals. And the last was the way that to cooperate with other countries to arrest the illegal activities.
Therefore, I think if I have chance to work on organization that relates with wildlife. I will do. The examination is coming closer, but I didn’t start reading books yet. That is going to be a very big problem for me to catch up in every chapter. This semester I have seven objects. The three objects are all in BG courses, and others four are all in the law courses. This semester I have Contract class, Criminal Law 1, Land and Property, and the last of law class is Philosophy of Law. I dislike only class of Philosophy of Law because I think it is just a dreaming no matter what it says it shows on only the opinions of the forebear professors. The Philosophy of Law is a very boring class. Anyway, exam gets closer. If I just still don’t read books like this, I will fail in every course. Yeah!! Humble to myself “Fighto!!”

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