Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Story Goes!!

The story when I approached the Malaysia airport in the late morning of Thursday, 10th January. There were care takers of ALSA Malaysia at the outside the airport, they were waiting for Thai delegates and also Indonesian delegates. We took photos with the care takers and then they brought us to coaches that were provided for the delegates to a hotel, named Pearl International Hotel. The coaches didn’t take long time to pick us to the hotel. When we were at the hotel, there was a group of care takers that waited for us to welcome, then they asked me and others to register for being a member of ALSIC then it was my free time until 3 P.M. As a result, they would bring us to a fun park that was provided for the welcoming party at night. That day was a rainy day, even though we approached a department store where is the establishment that we have to get on boats that will bring us to a lake then to the fun park, we couldn’t get off the coaches. Finally, we could be the place that is a port. A boat I was in was going to a boat lift that was a big wondering for me to be in the boat, later it was lifted. I and some of Assumption University delegates were in the fun park as the first group. I was impressed by a building that is an ice chamber, very cold inside. We hung around until the party began. There were nothing much than the introducing of every delegations and shows of the host. The shows might be cultural performances of Malaysia. Then the time was reaching to the really late night, the coaches came and left for hotel. We were in the hotel and get in our rooms, later that we met each others again to practice of presentation for tomorrow morning, in the first table discussion and this activity took time till the midnight.
The second day, there was the first table discussion in the commission of wildlife trafficking. There were presentations in this issue of each participated countries. As a result, I found from the first table discussion that our neighbors have got the same crisis like Thailand has got this issue. After the academic activity, table discussion, there was a non-academic activity following that was a parliament trips, they allowed all delegates to take photos inside the chamber. There were a Minister of Information, Malaysia, named Y.B. Datuk Seri Zainudin Bin Maidin who gave us speeches about the history of Malaysia, politics, and other one who gave an introduction to parliament named Y.Bhg Datuk Zamani Bin Sulaiman, Secertary of the Senate. After we left the parliament, we prepared for the next academic activity, the second table discussion that will be begun at 7.45 pm. This time would be the topic of making decision about the law to prevent, to protect, about the solving problems, and opinion about the consumers of wildlife trafficking. I and fellows gave opinions to the head of the table named Khai Ling. Then we had the conclusion of this commission that is attached in this report. Thrid day is coming up to the next article.


phanphatchara said...

nice story na nei.

Welcome back to Thailand na ja my BEST FRIEND!

Tropical Penguin said...

It was memorable moments, really miss ALSIC friends laaa!
I know that u do miss someone a lot, right? hehehee