Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Preparing for the conference trip at Malaysia

The last Monday was a constitution day of Thailand. That was a day off. I had an appointment with members of ALSA, not only for ABAC students, but there are Chulalongkorn University students also. But the members of Chulalongkorn University didn’t come to confer with us. We were in Star Buck Coffee shop at Siam Square. For the members of Assumption University students, there were 14 persons. On the other side, Chulalongkorn University students, there were 16 persons. The president of ALSA, local board, is a lady. She is a Daughter of a famous lawyer of Thailand and she is an Assumption University law student. Her name is Look-Keaw, but we called her Pea-Keaw. She asked me and my friends to sit closely.
The beginning of the conference, she talked about what we have to do when we are in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. We have to stay at Malaysia for 8 days. The academic days spend a half of all time that we have to be in Malaysia for this conference. The host delegation requires us to wear formal suit for 4 days. During the 4 days, there is Table Discussion for 2 days and another is Moot court for another 2 days. The commission that I’ve got is about Wildlife Trafficking. There are 4 Thai students that respond about this commission. I have to prepare for the presentation with my Thai friend and all of my table discussion friends are all ABAC students that will be better than cooperate with the students from Chulalongkorn University. Chulalongkorn University is the best university of Thailand. Students who can apply to this university will have very much self-confident and also e-go that will make our project failure absolutely. They always look us down, I can tell that because I have seen they did with my seniors.
After we finished the conference, Pea-Keaw, the local board president of ALSA, brought us to MBK, or we called Ma-Boon-Krong, to make name cards for this trip. And another purpose was to suggest the kind of formal suit that we have to use in this conference. Then we went to Sizzler at the 6th floor of MBK to have our lunch.
Nowadays, there are many e-mails that from the care taker of the host delegation. The e-mails, almost of all, are about the appointment, ordering the T-shirt, and the main idea for working with the commission that was sent to every member. I feel like there are lots of things, works that I have to do during this moment. I’m so tried.
This conference will change the future of me and my friends who will go to Malaysia with me. Because there are not many people who have a chance like I had. And the experience that I will get from this trip will improve my skills and abilities not only English usage, but also knowledge in the international law.
Anyway, I have to thank you everyone that give this chance to me. I promise that I will do my best and make my university, Assumption University to be a well-known to every delegation from other countries as well. I’m waiting for this trip.


Jasper said...

Yes. People need to leave their egos home if they want to work in a team.

Dollaporn881 said...

Ha Ha
I remembered that you were very excited.

I'm very jealous you so much Na that you went to Malaysia.

Next trip of ALSA, I will go to Japan surly.